
Make your webinars multilingual by adding real-time interpreting with Interprefy.

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Integration Category

  • Collaboration

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Make your webinars truly multilingual by adding real-time interpreting from professional conference interpreters through Interprefy's desktop app that works seamlessly alongside the GoTo Webinar application.

Allow participants to listen and speak in their preferred language by simply downloading the Interprefy app, entering the event token and selecting their language.

Once a language is selected, the app will auto mute the computer and users will hear crystal-clear interpreting of the webinar content in their preferred language, in real-time.


Customer success story – World boxing association

How To Install

  1. Book your interpreting services now.
  2. Interprefy will source the best interpreters for your required language combinations and subject expertise.
  3. Share your Interprefy event access token and Windows and iOS app download link with your event attendees.
  4. Users download the Interprefy desktop app and enter the provided event token.
  5. Users select their preferred language to listen to crystal-clear interpreting audio, without having to mute the webinar.
  6. Interprefy's technical support team will monitor the event and ensure a seamless multi-language experience.