What You Can Learn From 5 Companies Doing Webinars Right - GoToWebinar

As marketers, one of the best ways to get inspired and step up our own game is to look at what other people are doing. So we thought we’d bring you some real-world webinar examples from businesses who know how to create and leverage great webinars.

We hope you’ll borrow some of these ideas and best practices to get more value from your own webinars.

What they’re doing right: 

Leveraging their webinar library as gated content to secure ongoing leads

When you visit HubSpot’s free webinar page, you find dozens of webinars available for on-demand viewing. Each webinar has its own landing page with a form and compelling summary of the webinar content.

HubSpot knows webinars are quality content they can keep using to drive new leads. If you’re not leveraging your on-demand webinars, you’re letting good content go to waste. In fact, in a recent study, we found over 73% of professionals prefer on-demand videos over live videos. Give your audience the on-demand content they want and get way more value from every webinar.

What they’re doing right: 

Producing solid content that makes their webinar page a must-visit

We love the simplicity of  Trello’s on-demand webinar hub and the great mix of content they provide.  As you can see from webinar examples above, it’s not all “Trello does this,” and “learn how to use Trello for that.” They’ve mixed in plenty of general business and productivity content as well.

By producing and giving away hours of in-depth webinar content about team productivity hacks and business basics, Trello has made its webinars library a must-visit for professional teams and knowledge workers.

What they’re doing right: 

Partnering with influencers to broaden their reach

One thing the team at Intercom does brilliantly with many of its webinars is to structure them as conversations with thought leaders and influencers from other companies.

As you can see from the example shown here, a few of the company’s webinars include discussions with different representatives of Slack. They’ve also hosted a webinar with a professional from UserOnboard, and they’ve even hosted one with a New York Times bestselling author.

Using this influential-guest strategy, Intercom is simultaneously able to give its customers and prospects a broader range of industry insights and to use its webinars to reach new potential users who might not have heard of Intercom but who are interested in hearing from their guests.

You’ll also notice that Intercom puts their panelists on camera! The majority of webinar attendees agree they are more engaged when they can see the speaker. Use your webinar to provide valuable content AND make a personal connection by having your speakers share their webcam.

What they’re doing right:

Developing several types of webinars to serve different company objectives

Among its library of hundreds of great webinars on all sorts of marketing topics, Kissmetrics creates different types of webinars (lots of them) for the company’s various business goals.

You’ll find marketing webinars that support each stage of the customer journey.  There are high-level marketing webinars designed to introduce Kissmetrics to new prospects who might never have heard of the company. These webinars have minimal selling messages. Most of the webinar is devoted to educating viewers (usually with the help of thought-leader guest hosts) about some aspect of marketing or customer business building.

You’ll also find examples of mid-funnel webinars, in which Kissmetrics offers helpful marketing advice tied more directly to using Kissmetrics’ own platform. And finally, you’ll find plenty of Kissmetric-specific webinars designed to show customers how to do more with the Kissmetrics solution.

What they’re doing right: 

A combination of everything we’ve discussed

When it comes to their webinar program,  SproutSocial uses many of the best practices we’ve been talking about.

First, they leverage past webinars as ongoing assets by making them easy to browse and view on a webinar landing page. They also have a compelling summary page for each webinar, helping to draw in more viewers.

And of course, viewers have to give Sprout Social their contact details—turning them into potential leads for the company.

Finally, Sprout Social takes the time to seek out compelling, insightful, relevant guests for its webinars. This way they offer a broader range of educational information while also appealing to a broader audience.

Go forth… and webinar!

We hope these webinar examples practices inspire you and your team for your next webinar.