3 Ways to Revolutionize Post-Meeting Productivity - GotoMeeting

Happy Tuesday, folks! Welcome back to the fourth installment in our blog series. Today, we’re discussing how you can leverage the new GoToMeeting to improve next steps and follow up workflows. In last week’s post, we explored best practices for keeping attendees engaged. But a truly engaging experience doesn’t stop when you click “End meeting”. Instead, help your team achieve and maintain a sense of momentum with these approaches.

1. Assign a leader to direct the post-meeting process

Having numerous people oversee meetings is like having too many chefs in the kitchen. Everyone runs around directionless, nothing gets done, and the end result can be disappointing. But when there’s one individual responsible for post-meeting management, productivity improves dramatically. With a single source of truth for critical meeting information, attendees can get follow-up answers about action items in a timely and direct manner.

If you’re the chosen one, be clear about next steps – and make certain you have answers to questions like:

  • What needs to get done?
  • How does it need to get done?
  • When does it need to be done by?
  • Who’s responsible for its completion?
  • Who will track success?

GoToMeeting tip: Reclaim your workday and stay on top of things in the new Hub! After your meeting’s over, head to the Hub to continue the conversation. View, download, and share meeting artifacts such as recordings, transcripts and notes with the push of a button. You can also stay connected and keep things moving in real-time with Business Messaging*. Then, you’re ready to schedule a follow-up or join your next session!

*Business Messaging must be enabled by the administrator on the account.

2. Leverage tools like Smart Notes, Highlights, and Transcription

Intelligent, time-saving features go a long way in the post-meeting process by enabling the meeting leader to speed up summary document production. As a result, attendees and stakeholders can get the information they need for assigned tasks and team projects. The meeting leader will be able to quickly access critical decision-making points to share with any audience, even if they’re outside of the original attendee list.

GoToMeeting tip: Take advantage of our enhanced features to identify key points from your meeting! These features – Smart Notes*, Highlights* and Meeting Transcription – identify keywords that align with meeting agenda topics and provide context beyond who needs to do what. All you have to do is send a link via email, instant message or text to anyone who needs the meeting transcription.

*Smart Notes and Highlights coming soon!

3. Share follow-up in a timely manner (within 24 hours)

When it comes to productivity and first impressions, timing is everything. Often, attendees are reluctant to move forward on action items until they receive them in writing. This helps ensure that necessary approvals are in place. For those who didn’t attend, follow-up becomes even more important as a guide that tells them not only what they missed, but what’s coming next.

Waiting around to get the green light means losing precious time. Those team members could’ve responded quicker and convinced a prospect to buy, or completed a project faster than anticipated, reducing labor costs or overrun expenses. By sending out summaries within 24 hours of the meeting, your team can act quickly to meet a company goal or satisfy a customer.

GoToMeeting tip: No summary? No problem! Our video-to-slides feature tracks a timeline of specific PowerPoint slides shared on-screen during your recorded session. Anyone with the recording link can download a PDF file of the slides shown throughout the duration of the meeting – and best of all, the host doesn’t have to provide the slides either! GoToMeeting does all the work converting what was shared on-screen to a PDF. 

What’s next?

Explore these strategies for your next meeting and see what kind of difference they make! Your meetings will be more productive, and your team members will enjoy faster access to answers and wider inclusionary practices. Your team will also benefit from a clear picture of what they need to accomplish. Implementing these changes can revolutionize post-meeting productivity for meeting attendees and the rest of the organization for years to come.

Next week, we’ll be back with more tips and tricks straight from our Customer Success Managers. In the meantime, to learn more about the new GoToMeeting, including how to activate it within your organization, visit our website!