What's New: Advanced Presence Feature Release


What does your workday look like? Instead of commuting to the office for your 9 to 5, you may be signing in from the comfort of your home. You might be creating your own schedule to accommodate childcare or taking the dog for a walk. You might be carving out time to brainstorm or plan for the future, or be taking a much needed lunch break. However, you craft your ideal, flexible day, the tech that keeps you connected needs to keep up.

What does Advanced Presence mean?

Think of this as your status update or away message within GoTo Connect. Are you available for a phone call, meeting, or message, or are you away from your desk? Users can share more information with their team beyond just “do not disturb” mode. Your system will automatically create statuses of available, away, on a call, and in a meeting. And any of these options can be manually changed. Perhaps you’re focused on some independent work — you can set your status as “appear offline,” and minimize any distractions.

The advanced presence feature can also give more personal insight into your availability. The GoTo Connect team is encouraged and empowered to bring our true self to work each day. And by expressing our “Be Real” company value, we can be honest with our colleagues, or even playful. For example, you can change your status to “on vacation until X date,” “on a break,” or even “sick child at home.”

Flexible, remote, or hybrid work means more digital interactions behind a screen, so it’s important to maintain the human element of our connections. When colleagues can’t physically pop by your desk, the advanced presence feature gives a small peek into your work life, while managing response and communication expectations.


In the coming weeks, advanced presence will be rolled out to all GoTo Connect users at no additional cost and can be accessed directly in your GoTo app.