10 Smart Ways to Repurpose Webinars into Great Content - GoToWebinar

You just put on a fantastic live webinar –you had great interactions with your attendees, your speakers were on point, and you’re feeling great. Now what?

Do you archive your webinar and move on? No way! You need to find a way to extend the life of your webinar and make use of all that valuable content. The solution: repurposing.

By repurposing your webinar, you give your audience multiple ways to consume the content and the freedom to consume it whenever is most convenient. Most importantly, repurposing gives you more opportunities to reach a larger audience, drive new leads, and connect with prospective customers.

If you’re ready to make your webinar more profitable, here are 10 effective ways to repurpose your live webinars into great content.

1. Create 1, 2, 3 or more blog posts

Your presentation should already be split up into digestible sections and topics, which are perfect for blog posts. And with 30-60 minutes of great content, there should be material for multiple blog posts.

But first things first –make a transcript of your webinar. This is going to make your life a million times easier as you try to create new content from your webinar. Go through your transcript and pick out topics that resonated with your audience, and identity areas that you could expand on.

Your blog posts should not just be a regurgitation of your webinar. Be creative. Put some thought into the structure of your posts and make the content useful. Here are some post ideas to get you thinking:

  • How-to or list posts: Expand on a topic within the webinar in educational posts.
  • Digest posts: Summarize the webinar in an easy-to-read post and include links to additional relevant resources.
  • Infographic posts: Use data shared in the webinar to create informational posts.
  • Quote compilation post: Compile all the best quotes if you did a thought-leadership webinar with several panelists.

2. Use Q&A questions to seed blog posts and web content

There are a lot of different ways to reuse attendee questions and host answers from your webinar. For example:

  • Create an FAQ page on your website that features questions from the webinar.
  • Write an FAQ blog post. (Check out the post we did based on common questions we get during our training webinars.)
  • Expand on answers given during the webinar and create multiple blog posts answering individual questions.

All of these approaches are great if you didn’t adequately answer the question, ran out of time, or just wanted to clarify some points in your answer. Regardless of what you decide to do with the Q&A questions, they’re a great source of content.

3. Turn your webinar into a SlideShare

You’ve already written a script and completed the webinar, so creating a SlideShare should be easy. Just adapt the presentation used during the webinar and add in key points and quotes throughout the presentation.

What’s great about a SlideShare presentation is that it allows your audience to consume it any time and at their own pace. This way, webinar attendees have a handy reference of key points, while non-attendees get a snackable piece of content with all the important takeaways. Take a look at this example of a SlideShare we published using slides from a recent webinar, The Lazy Marketer’s Guide to Webinar Success:

You can also design the SlideShare as an effective piece of teaser content to encourage people to watch the on-demand version.

4. Request blog posts from guest speakers

You chose fantastic speakers to be part of your webinar, now let them get in on the post-webinar action and contribute blog posts in their area of expertise. Just make sure their blog topics relate to your webinar.

Guest speakers can expound on what they discussed in the webinar, create a step-by-step instruction post, or share information they didn’t have time to discuss during the webinar. Since they already created slides and prepared for the webinar, half the work is already done!

5. Turn quotes, stats and key takeaways into social posts

Everyone loves a good social media quote or fun fact. Go through your webinar recording (yes, you should ALWAYS record your webinars) and pull out the most insightful, interesting, or humorous quotes or stats. Keep it simple and true to brand, and make sure to include your website or social handle somewhere on the image.

Take a look at this example of a Tweet we shared using poll data from a recent webinar we hosted:

6. Create a follow-up email

A webinar provides a great opportunity to email your registrants. You can email all your registrants the recording of the webinar and include links to additional resources. If you didn’t get a chance to answer all the questions during your webinar, you can also include the Q&A.

Another option it to use key quotes, stats, poll results, and other webinar highlights as the basis of an email to your registrants and people in your email database who would benefit from the information.

7. Create an eBook

If you’ve already written blog posts and created infographics, half the work of an eBook is already done. You can create an eBook that covers your entire webinar, or multiple webinars and includes content from several different blog posts and infographics. Create an eBook that dives deeper into your webinar content or combines the information from several webinars into one comprehensive resource.

8. Retweet the best tweets about the webinar

First of all, create a unique hashtag for your webinar so you can easily find tweets about your event. After the event, search the hashtag and retweet the most thoughtful tweets. This shows you’re listening to your social community, and it’s also a good opportunity to get valuable feedback about your webinar from attendees.

9. Create short how-to videos

Videos are a great way to get more views and expand your reach. To make great videos, edit your webinar footage and include your most useful information from the webinar. Depending on how many topics were covered in your webinar, you can create several short how-to videos from one event.

To make your videos more shareable, condense the information into bite-size pieces and rerecord the audio to match the pace of your visuals. Once your videos are created, feature them on your blog, YouTube channel, Facebook page, etc.

10. Share the on-demand version of your webinar

This one is there most obvious, but it’s also the easiest and most effective way to repurpose your live event. Record your webinar and share the on-demand version with all your registrants as well as new audiences. Create a landing page for your on-demand webinar, and share it on your website, blog, and link to it in social posts and emails. You can also publish past webinars on third-party platforms for added reach and visibility. GoToStage, for example, is a platform where a new audience of professionals can discover rich videos and webinars on the topics they care about. Take a look at our page of featured webinars hosted on GoToStage.

You’ve already put in the work to produce a great webinar — now let it continue to generate leads.

Don’t think of your webinars as a one-and-done events. There are so many things you can do after your live event to continue communicating with your audience and drive more conversions. You can be an overachiever and use all of these post-webinar tactics or choose what works best for your business. Just make sure your webinar keeps working for you even after the live event ends.

If you have any more ideas on how to repurpose webinars, we’d love to hear them. Be sure to share in the comments section below!