Changing the Culture of Communications


Jive began when six scrappy software entrepreneurs were fed up with their expensive and overly complicated phone system. They decided to build their own Hosted VoIP Solution. With their system in the Cloud–grounded by grit, hard work, and shoestring budget – Jive created an affordable, innovative and secure Unified Communciations (UC) solution for businesses around the world.

They just needed one more "c"–collaboration, to disrupt the industry.

Jive's acquisition by LogMeIn gave employees access to the well-known collaboration tool, GoToMeeting. The combination of the best in UC–Jive–and the best in collaboration–GoToMeeting– transformed Jive into a more collaborative and engaging place for employees and customers.

“Sales and support have improved their relationships with customers, and internal departments have improved their processes.”


-Pablo Gargiulo

VP of Sales, Jive

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