Webinar: Build an “Anywhere” Work Strategy to Drive Business Success


In a global pandemic, what exactly have we learned about how we work? The world’s workforce shifted to a remote setting practically overnight, and companies reexamined how well they functioned.

In new research conducted by Forrester Consulting for GoTo*, we found that, while there is still work to be done to create effective remote work programs, this is an opportunity for organizations to create a competitive differentiator with flexible work.

Join us for a live webinar to learn how:

The pandemic has rapidly accelerated the trend towards remote work. 26% of the workforce plans to shift to a remote or hybrid work style within the next two years. 62% of employees said they are happier working remotely.

There is a disconnect in trust between HR and employees. While 56% of employees say they are more productive when working remotely, only 5% of remote work decision-makers think that remote workers are more productive, and 70% say that in-office workers are more trustworthy.

“Anywhere” work programs appear hard but are achievable. They don’t happen overnight, but organizations can focus on Forrester's four pillars of remote work: Structure, Culture, Technology, and Compliance.

*Source note: Build An Anywhere Work Strategy To Drive Business Success, a commissioned study conducted by Forrester Consulting on behalf of GoTo, March 2021

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