ITs 2024 Agenda for Business Success



From AI to new security threats to innovation that strives to make our work lives a bit easier, IT teams are thrown new challenges and opportunities every day. The question is, how do we keep up and ultimately ensure that our companies – and the tech that powers them – are as healthy as they can be? As we begin another year, the agenda is clear: Teams must take a hard look at their approach to these topics as well as team dynamics.


Here are my four key areas of focus to make 2024 a successful year where IT teams can continue to deliver maximum business and maintain a strong tech fitness strategy.


Modernize Security Practices

In the era of dispersed, remote-centric work, cybersecurity must be a central focus. The goal for 2024 is to fortify cyber hygiene, deploying smart and well-thought-out strategies such as furthering employee education around security, enforcing a robust acceptable use policy (AUP), embracing zero trust solutions, and transitioning toward passwordless authentication. These initiatives form a simple, but effective defense against cyber threats.


Use AI to Grow Your Business

2023 introduced a host of new AI technologies to businesses, and I believe 2024 will be another transformative year for artificial intelligence. Building upon the foundations laid in 2023, organizations are now poised to leverage AI across more areas of their business. From internal AI chatbots streamlining helpdesk functions to customer-facing AI applications and AI-powered tools enhancing HR processes, the potential is vast. The goal in the new year is clear: integrate AI seamlessly into the digital agenda to drive efficiency and elevate business outcomes.


Maximize IT’s Value by Balancing Innovation and Optimization

The challenge lies in striking the right balance between innovation and optimization. In 2024, IT leaders should look to streamline their toolkit to reduce redundancies by consolidating software and migrating certain workloads to the cloud. This not only trims costs but also enhances the overall experience for IT teams and their customers, your other employees. Quality prevails over quantity as organizations strategically choose technologies that add tangible value to customer experiences, all while staying mindful of optimizing cost.


Empower the Hybrid Workforce

In the era of hybrid work, technology proficiency is critical. As part of the 2024 planning, IT leaders must be committed to fostering a culture of upskilling. This involves providing employees with the knowledge and resources needed to harness the potential of emerging technologies, such as generative AI, in their day-to-day roles. If employees lack this knowledge base, they won’t reap the many benefits AI has to offer, and may even put company data at risk through unintentional misuse. Simultaneously, attention must be directed toward enhancing the remote and hybrid work experience through improved home networking guides, security best practices, and revamped onboarding processes. The aim is to create a self-sufficient and empowered workforce capable of thriving in the digital landscape.


The IT agenda of 2024 is not just about embracing the future, it’s about optimizing technology and empowering your employees. This year promises to be another transformative one, and with the right priorities, these tactics and improvements will contribute to a more self-sufficient and functional virtual working environment for employees while ultimately reducing the workload that falls on IT teams.

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