In Business, Survival of the Fittest Depends on Collaboration - GotoMeeting

Charles Darwin once said: “It is not the strongest of the species that survives, not the most intelligent that survives. It is the one that is the most adaptable to change.”

And so it goes in the modern business ecosystem. Deloitte, in an in-depth look at the future of work, predicts that considerable disruption lies ahead. The key to survival? Evolve! Change in the business world requires careful planning – and there’s no time like the present.

“Driven by accelerating connectivity, new talent models, and cognitive tools, work is changing. As robotics, AI, the gig economy and crowds grow, jobs are being reinvented, creating the ‘augmented workforce,” notes the Deloitte report. “We must reconsider how jobs are designed and work to adapt and learn for future growth.”

Future Shock in the Workplace

When writer Alvin Toffler coined the phrase “future shock” nearly 50 years-ago, no one could have predicted just how right he was. Toffler envisioned a future the included the internet, the sharing economy, telecommuting, and less hierarchy in businesses organizations – what he called “adhocracy.”

Today, a massive transformation is underway in the workplace. Deloitte predicts that 47% of today’s jobs will be gone in the next 10 years, and 41% of American workers will be participating in the Gig economy.

So what does this tell us about where the future of work is headed? As workforces become increasingly virtual, workers need access to tools that allow them to be agile and adaptable, while still maintaining their momentum.

Communication, Collaboration and Agility

The companies and workers that will be the most competitive in the coming decade are those that have agility to connect quickly and efficiently, wherever and whenever they choose. “Getting remote work right is tough,” notes a report in CIO. “But with effective technology, a productive remote work strategy can really pay-off.”

It’s no secret that an effective collaboration strategy is the connective tissue in a remote work ecosystem. Companies need to provide their employees with the right technology that enables them to quickly start and join meetings, streamline their workday, present like a pro, and recap in minutes.

Work Smarter, Not Harder with the New GoToMeeting

Since 2004, GoToMeeting has helped hundreds of thousands of customers meet with momentum. And on October 1st, we announced an all-new, completely reimagined experience. By your side before, during and after your meetings take place, GoToMeeting continues to revolutionize the way you think about collaboration with features that support you every step of the way, from scheduling to follow-up.

Today, we kickstart our 6-part blog series on the new GoToMeeting, with everything you need to know about how to ensure a seamless meeting experience for both IT and end users!

Join us here, every Tuesday, for tips and tricks on how to maximize your productivity at every stage. In the meantime, for more information on the new GoToMeeting, check out our website.

See you next week!